
How much will I make when one of my photos sell?

Our standard commission for family photo contributors is 20%. Each time one of your photos is rented, you make about $5*. Our website auto calculates your commissions and we issue a direct deposit or mail a check to you once your commissions total $100 or more. What’s more, we’ll alert you when the film or television show who bought your photos is released—so you can grab your popcorn and keep your fingers crossed that your family photos made it into the final cut.

*We do offer volume-based discounts. If a production adds a certain number of photos to their cart, they get a 5%, 10% or 15% discount, and your commission will be 20% of that discounted price.

(917) 841-0912

You can text or call Brandon at this number anytime—I’m here to help you find the perfect candid photo or answer any questions.

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